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Duplicate e-mail issue (e-mail sent twice).

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October 27, 2011
Posts: 46

PostPosted:     Post subject: Duplicate e-mail issue (e-mail sent twice).
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Dear site admin,

Not a very controversial one this (sorry), but it seems that after replying to an e-mail, if I refresh/reload the e-mail page (to check if I have had a reply), it will duplicate the mail I have just written so that the sender gets two replies.

This is ever so slightly embarrassing. Is there a way for you to ameliorate this? I realise it is probably my age, technological ineptitude or the state of the economy in the current climate (if I am going to be political and blame someone else).

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January 5, 2005
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Hmm...well, we haven't heard of this problem before, but the easy fix is to not hit refresh after just sending an email.

Seriously though, the way to check for new messages is to click the NEW MESSAGES email icon in the email area.

We understand what happened though, and your browser should have given you a warning that you were about to 'resend' the same information you just sent.

In any case, we have added this issue into the 'To-do' list for consideration. It's possible we can add a filter to prevent exact duplicates of messages from being sent, but it is definitely going to have to be a low priority project for us. It shouldn't be too hard to modify the system to prevent this in the future though, so at some point this is likely to not ever happen again.


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October 27, 2011
Posts: 46

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feedback wrote: Hmm...well, we haven't heard of this problem before, but the easy fix is to not hit refresh after just sending an email.

Indeed. Thank you for your detailed, yet concise reply and I'm glad it made you smile. I will be more careful in future. :shock:

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January 5, 2005
Posts: 970

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We discussed this issue during our weekly 'To-do-review' and it turns out it was a very simple thing to prevent on our we went ahead and added a filter to prevent this type of problem.

As a 100% free network, we rely on our members to help out by pointing out the problems they spot, and by making suggestions on new features or enhancements they would like to see.

And it is REALLY helpful if members take a moment or two to think of any friends they know who might like to join a 100% free network of community sites like ours...and then send an email or tweet to them about us. (Just a quick promotion for the network. Couldn't resist. )

Thanks again for taking a moment to bring this issue to our attention!


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